By La Mancha Wines
It is not usual to have an adequate space at home for a winery, but we can always put up part of a room, a garage or a closet for our wines. There are also furniture specialized for wines and home appliances perfectly suited for the job of wine storage.
We must distinguish three possibilities for the wine cellar at home: in a house, a floor or furniture stores, special wines or closet suitable for that.
In any case, it is imperative to follow the following guidelines:
The bottles should be stored horizontally, except for some fine wines, which require a vertical position. The humidity should be between 65 and 70%. The light should be little or none. The ideal temperature is between 13 and 17 º C. The place where you find the wine must be clean and free of odors, and it is important to prevent noise and vibration.
If you build a store in a house or a garage, it is advisable to seek an expert to advice on matters such as orientation, insulation, soil type, etc.
If it is an apartment, it is preferable to use furniture specialized for wine storage, to ensure the proper maintenance of the wines.
When choosing wines, it is a fairly common mistake to think that all improve with time. If the wine is young, fresh and fruity, it should be consumed within the time that is given to maintain its potential aroma and flavor. It is therefore crucial that the year of elaboration is written in their label, as the regulations indicate on the D.O. La Mancha.
The wines with a traditional elaboration keep a balance between young and aged. It is not required of them to show the year that they have been developed, as they have a natural life much longer than the young wines. It is advisable to consume in a period not exceeding three or four years, to avoid unpleasant surprises when you open the wine.
The wines aged in wood have a more expensive process than young or traditional wines, because it has been in barrel for a long period of time. In wines aged in oak — Crianza, Reserva and Gran Reserva, there are differences depending on how long they remain in barrel and bottle. Always make sure that the indication of a wine label Crianza, Reserva or Gran Reserva corresponds to the back label of the Regulatory Council.
- Crianza: wines with two years of natural aging, one barrel and one in bottle.
- Reserva: wines aged for a minimum of 12 months in oak and 24 months in bottle.
- Gran Reserva: wines with a minimum of 24 months aging in oak and 36 months in bottle.
- Sparkling: for their processing, the traditional method is used.
Technological advancements and strict controls from the production Zone of La Mancha make sure that their wines are kept in good condition for a considerable number of years, something that benefits consumers and winemakers. Nonetheless, saving a wine for an excessive number of years is something collectors would do more than consumers, because there is considerable risk that the wine ends up turning bad.
The evolution of wine quality bends from the moment it is bottled. It reaches the peak and then slowly goes down. When a wine reaches its maximum level of quality, it is not something mathematical, but depends on many factors. The cork is one of the key factors, because if air ever enters, the wine loses its quality very soon. However, even if the cork is very good, it is possible that some kind of microorganism was there within the wine and that can end up destroying it over time.
You can find more useful tips here:
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