Today we have two native grapes from Spain: Moravia and Verdejo. Both can be found in DO La Mancha.
Widely grown variety in the provinces ofAlbaceteandCuenca, in a perfect adaptation and productivity. It is also known asCrujidera,MoraviaDulce, Brujidera and Trujidera.
It is a variety that offers good a performance, with large compact bunches of blue-black color in form of a discoid. It has colorless juice, pulp crisp and a neutral flavor.
This variety produces a good match with the Garnacha coupages in the elaboration of vintage wines.

- Verdejo
Early maturing white grape with horizontal size and vigorous trunk.
Predominates in the region of Rueda (Valladolid), it is considered one of the best varieties of our country and gives rise to a fully composed aromatic and soft wine.
It is also known for their freshness, acidity and creaminess, having a very persistent and pleasant aftertaste.
Although its beginning has been recent inLa Mancha, it has grown exponentially.
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