We know the benefits of green pruning, a work done before the flowering period in spring to ensure a better production quality of the grapes
It is done when the clusters are still tender and easy to use, and no use of scissors is necessary, several months in advance to the harvest period. The clusters are still part of the green sketch on the vine, and the plant has not even experienced its spring flowering. That’s when the winegrowers are busy with the green pruning.
Green is the aspect of the vine, which is awakening to start the new growing season. This work is as simple as vital for further development, and it definitely has an impact on the quality of the fruit, “It consists in removing all those stems that will not longer carry grapes and besides they won’t be part of the pruning of the following next year,” explains Jesús Sánchez Mateos, winegrower and winemaker of La Mancha.
The operation requires a certain accuracy, and also knowledge of the crop. “If we appreciate the plant, we can see coming stems coming from the spurs and others that don’t; these last type of stems are the ones to be removed and so the operation continues spur after spur, until all the stems that do not lead production are removed” qualifies Sánchez Mateos, in an on-site demonstration at the vineyard.
Advantages of green pruning
The foliage of the plant is rinsed, with a smaller load, achieving better ventilation and lighting: “Diseases produced by fungi are avoided, and second we get the plant, having fewer stems, which allow it to develop much better. Regarding the formation of the grape fruit, the plant won’t have to diversify energy sources in the different stems, but only in those necessary and appropriate for its development“.
Perhaps this work is less well known than other tasks, such as winter pruning, but green pruning is vital as it affects the very quality of the fruit. It goes without saying that without good grapes, there can’t be, good wines.