Always look on the back label, the wine ID

Quality controls carried out by Regulatory Councils ensure that every wine getting to wear a label showing the back label of “Appellation of Origin” (Denominación de Origen) are excellent… and authentic. DO La Mancha stands out as the quality reference in the back label of the best wine.

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The main task of the Regulatory Council is the defense of the quality of the wines, along with the promotion of their quality. There are strict excellence controls established from the vineyard. But what is the way consumers have to identify which wines have passed these controls? The back label that appears on the back of the bottles. There are about 70 million back labels or strips issued every year at the DO La Mancha for bottles which are sold all over around the world.

mapa zona de producción DO La Mancha

The strict requirements from the Tasting Committee of the Regulatory Council La Mancha ensure the outstanding quality of wines with DO, which once in the market, shall be provided with the appropriate secondary label supplied by the Regulatory if Council, only if the wine is considered suitable to be marketed under the identification of this origin and quality.



contra etiqueta tradicional

contraequeta de envejecido en barrica DO La Mancha


contra etiqueta reserva

gran reserva DO La Mancha

Contraetiqueta-espumosoTirilla circular DO La Mancha para vinos espumosos

In addition, in order to give further guarantees to the consumer, the Designation of Origin La Mancha facilitates a different type of back label depending on the type of wine concerned (young, traditional, aged in oak barrels, aging, reserva, gran reserva or sparkling), thereby preventing as well any malicious temptation to change concept.


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